
In the dynamic world of business, a trademark serves as the symbol and essence of a brand, distinguishing it from competitors and creating a lasting impression in the minds of consumers. Choosing a powerful and legally sound trademark is a crucial step for any business venture, and doing so necessitates a balanced blend of creativity and compliance with the legal frameworks, particularly under the Indian Trademark Act, 1999. This comprehensive guide delves deeper into the intricacies of trademark selection, its alignment with Indian trademark law, and the art of circumventing potential objections or oppositions from the registry.

Decoding the Indian Trademark Act, 1999

The Indian Trademark Act, 1999, provides the statutory foundation for trademark protection within the country. It defines a trademark as any mark, symbol, word, phrase, design, or a combination thereof that distinctly identifies and sets apart the goods or services of one entity from others.

Section 9 of the Indian Trademark Act lays down fundamental principles for evaluating the registrability of trademarks. It defines certain absolute grounds for refusal. These grounds encompass scenarios where a proposed trademark might be turned down due to lack of distinctiveness, descriptiveness, or generic nature. For instance, a name that directly describes the product or service, such as “Tasty Cakes” for a bakery, could face refusal under Section 9 as it does not offer inherent distinctiveness, being rather descriptive in nature.

Section 11 deals with relative grounds for refusal under the Act. It focuses on scenarios where a proposed trademark closely resembles an existing one, leading to potential confusion among consumers. A new company seeking to register a name like “MobiTek” might face opposition due to its similarity to an existing brand, “MobiTech,” causing consumer confusion.

Sections 9 and 11 of the Indian Trademark Act play a crucial role in the examination and approval process of trademark registration. They serve as guiding principles to ascertain the distinctiveness and originality of a proposed trademark. Understanding and adhering to Sections 9 and 11 is critical when selecting a trademark. By steering clear of generic terms and ensuring distinctiveness, businesses can increase the chances of their trademark being accepted under the provisions of the Indian Trademark Act, 1999. This adherence helps in establishing a stronger and legally compliant trademark, reducing the likelihood of objections or oppositions during the registration process.

Essential Attributes of a Strong Trademark

Distinctiveness and Creativity – A robust trademark should possess inherent distinctiveness, allowing it to stand out amidst the crowd. Names like “Delicious Breads” for a bakery might face challenges due to being descriptive, whereas more creative and unique names like “ZephyrBakes” tend to fare better in the registration process.

Originality and Uniqueness – Opting for a name that is original and distinctive in the market is paramount. For instance, a technology firm with a name like “Futurify” exemplifies originality and reduces the risk of infringing upon existing trademarks.

Steering Clear of Generic Terms– Using generic terms or common phrases could lead to registration challenges. Terms such as “Best” or “Super” might not possess the necessary distinctiveness to be considered a strong trademark.

Conducting Thorough Trademark Searches – Conducting meticulous research via the Trademark Registry database is imperative before finalizing a trademark. A hypothetical scenario might involve a beverage company considering the name “CocaFresh,” which could face opposition due to its similarity to the existing brand, Coca-Cola.

Successful Trademarks in India

Tanishq – Tanishq, a prominent jewelry brand in India, exemplifies the fusion of tradition and modernity. Established under the Tata Group, Tanishq has become synonymous with sophistication and quality in the jewelry market. The brand’s name, “Tanishq,” holds a unique and distinctive quality that resonates with customers seeking elegance and exclusivity. 

Dabur: Natural Heritage in FMCG – Dabur, a renowned name in the FMCG sector, has positioned itself as a leader in herbal and natural products. The brand’s name, “Dabur,” derives from “Daktar Burman,” the founding Burman family’s surname. This choice of name not only pays homage to its roots but also stands as a unique and distinctive trademark. 

Amul- Amul, a brand synonymous with dairy products in India, has been a household favorite for decades. Its name, “Amul,” holds a distinct and memorable quality. In a sector where commonplace terms such as “Farm Fresh” or “Dairy Delights” could have been used, Amul stands apart with a name that is simple, original, and easy to remember.


Crafting a strong and distinctive trademark requires a delicate balance between creativity and legal adherence. By aligning with the guidelines of the Indian Trademark Act, 1999, and meticulous scrutiny during the selection process, businesses can steer clear of potential legal impediments while establishing a trademark that encapsulates their brand identity.

An effective trademark is not just a name; it serves as the cornerstone of a brand, distinguishing it in a competitive market. By evading common pitfalls, performing thorough research, and seeking expert guidance, businesses can create a trademark that not only differentiates their brand but also withstands legal scrutiny, ensuring enduring success and protection in the market.

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