Trademark Search

Trademark Searches and Trademark Clearance Searches in India

Before filing a trademark application in India, it is crucial to perform a trademark search to determine if similar marks have already been filed or registered. This search helps in assessing the viability and registrability of the proposed trademark. Conducting a preliminary search or trademark public search is highly recommended to identify any identical or similar trademarks filed by third parties within the same class or for similar goods and services.

Companies that provide trademark searches also provide trademark clearance searches in India.

The Indian Trademark Registry’s website,, provides a platform for performing the preliminary search of trademarks. By utilizing this online tool, applicants can gain insights into existing trademarks and assess the potential for conflicts.

How is trademark search done in India?

Trademark searches in India are essential to assess the availability and registrability of a proposed mark. This section will discuss the different categories of trademark searches and their importance.

Categories of Trademark Searches:

Trademark searches in India can be conducted for various types of marks, including word marks, device marks, and through internet search.

Word Search:

Device Search:

Internet Search:

A comprehensive trademark search is an important step in the process of registering a trademark in India. It helps you to determine if a proposed trademark is already in use or registered by someone else. This is important because if you register a trademark that is already in use or registered by someone else, you may be liable for trademark infringement.

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